Thursday, October 1, 2009

the waiting game

"O God that goadest me
With hunger pricks for Thee within,
By stealing from my heart its dearest stays, and staying with me tendrils of Thy love-
A token of friendship from a dear one in Thee, a word of Holy writ, a song,
a thousand things - a writer' s brawn,
Which lift my heart from seen things, sturdy, strong,
And rest me, relaxed, hung from an unseen stay above
Wise goading God, teach me to rest in love."
-Jim Elliot, Shadow of the Almighty

Waiting continues to prove itself an ornery partner. He is patient with me, however, and I, in turn, am learning to be patient as well. It is an interesting line to dance around - where to move and act in the midst of deciding where to hold back. In any waiting game (most of life, depending on your perspective) there is required some form of move before a final decision is reached. Its like the game of LIFE - the real legit board game version - and its need to bestow a house deed card in your arsenal before a career card has been drawn. That always bugged me. No final goal could be seen, hence, the next few moves were always gambles.

While life these days isn't so much of a gamble, there are certain wagers I tend to easily throw down. Regardless of the conundrum, here's the way I see it:

We must place a stake in the ground, firmly rooted, but ready to uproot and replant at the Lord's beckoning. Waiting does not mean complacency. Moreover, it is a process of yielding. A tree remaining still requires nutrients to travel through its roots. Processes don't cease, they simply remain until the next season. Then bear fruit.
This idea of remaining is what leaves me ready. Ready to go and act, plant stakes and uproot them, all the while waiting, and continually yielding to Him who is much greater than I.

...and thanks terry, for so wonderfully waiting below the lamp light...

1 comment:

  1. did i mention that you are inspiring?

    and have a presence that changes the mood in a room?
