Sunday, October 4, 2009

here's to you, roundtop.

I met my mom and three of her friends down at Roundtop this past week, and it was such a pleasant break from the daily schedule. I arrived to enjoy a picnic lunch and casual perusal of the good old crap that is sold throughout the city of antiques. There is something about sifting through junk that makes it a mission. Finding treasure within the unwanted and seemingly useless kerfluffle can occupy anyone's attention for hours, and in the case of this establishment, days. Last year I bought boots next to Miranda Lambert and only worked up enough guts to compliment her outfit in a dumb-and-dumberish kind of way. This year brought me no such luck, however, I swear I saw a man wearing a prairie dress. That is a different story all together.

Having the privilege of participating in this girl's weekend makes me look forward to the future. The time when my current world of close knit girls can all gather together for some random reason and partake in a little bit of life together - it makes me thankful for the days I have now. Not to mention, it calls my bluff on being a dreamer.

So often I have huge plans and ideas, but never act on them. Luckily, I live amongst people that make my optimism a bit more of a realism, and balance it with their vision-ism. Yes, its a word. If I were to toast something right now, I would toast those moments in life that are undignified, and hope that my judgments would not get in the way of enjoying and respecting those made beyond my level of normalcy. Everyone needs a bonnie to their clyde. I thank God for placing mine in the same household, church, school, city, family as I.

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